The mission of Ubiquitous Lifestyle Laboratory is "The realization of a society where everyone can cooperate without being tied to a location".
As the leader at JISA working group, the project vision was "Aiming both enterprise productivity improvement and enterprise worker QOL improvement, transform IT industry workstyle not bound to place or time to work using IT". By 2014, ULSL joined Japan Telework Association which vision is on flexible workstyle not bound to place or time to work. Both organization stand at the corporation side.
From personal viewpoint, everyone belongs various communities. For example, employee, working parent, investor, hobbyist. The reason why organizations started to think on workstyle is to adapt the diversity of workers. Each employees have some constraint with belonging community especially for family affairs. Now organization can not survive just enforcing old workstyle to employees. Now "The realization of a society where everyone can cooperate without being tied to a location" is the fundamental target to achieve.
Individuals can not work dedicatedly to one organization. Any organization can face discharge. Individual have to perform well in the organization and have to prepare surroundings change. Some will be forced to move by natural disaster or other reasons. Some may face to move foreign country. It is important and preferable to realize world which everyone can cooperate without tied to a location.
One more belonging community which promotes another business is a future image brought by the vision. We are closing such a future with Information and Communication Technology.
First, focusing on shared work space such as Coworking space, we research and develop services both for individuals and enterprises. In long term, beyond the workstyle, we will propose new Lifestyle on Ubiquitous era.
July 1st, 2016
This article is modified version of initial policy statement.